AIMS AND SCOPES                   


The 18th Czech-Slovak Spectroscopic Conference (18th CSSC) is the scientific meeting with international participation to share recent developments, exchange ideas, explore new directions and initiate a possible collaboration in the analytical spectrometry area. Leading scientists and researchers will be invited to present their most up-to-date results at this conference, to exchange exciting ideas and experiences as well as look into future development. The aim ofthis scientific event is to bring together experts from universities, academia, official centers, various laboratories, and industry, to summarize the current progress in various areas of spectroscopy/spectrometry and the trends in the applications such as chemical, environmental, geological, biological, food, pharmaceutical and industrial materials and to stimulate contacts and mutual exchange of experiences and ideas. 

The upcoming year of this conference with a long tradition differs from the previous ones by a greater emphasis on analytical spectrometry applied in the geological sciences. Many scientists with a geological background are engaged in laboratory analysis and research of geological materials. These geologists are experts not only in their parent field, but also bring new knowledge in the methodology of analytical chemistry, namely spectrometry. Contributions to the conference program in the field of analysis of geological materials are therefore very much in demand, as well as participants - geologists, who are warmly welcome to this conference.